Search Results: 8 Matches
Showing 1-8
Anne Von Ehr Painting Nature
Pastel workshops that include beginning &advanced techniques, landscape, composition.
Batavia & Yorkville, IL : Asheville, NC : Milwaukee, WI
Arts, Castles and Coastline: Painting in Portugal
Virginia artist Lynn Goldstein teaches a plein air workshop from Cascais, Portugal. Experiment with color, interpret the landscape through shape and...
Debi Watson Watercolors
Watercolor workshops featuring demonstrations & individual assistance for painting subjects from photographs.
Boone, NC : York, PA
Denys James Discovery Art Travel
Art and culture related travel.Ceramics and Pottery,visitations to local studios, art spaces & galleries, villages, museums, historical sites
Cambodia : Crete, Greece : Lombok,Bali, Indonesia : Sicily, Italy : Laos : Morocco : Myanmar : Turkey
Dirk Dzimirsky Drawing Workshop
This drawing workshop gives the participants a sound understanding of how to create lifelike and realistic portraits, from basic methods to...
Mesa, AZ : Phoenix, North America
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cold Wax, But Were Afraid to Ask
Cold Wax medium is HOT! Come experience this intriguing and versatile medium that is taking the painting world by storm! Experiment...
Southern Pines, NC : United States, North America
L. Diane Johnson Plein-Air Workshops
Landscape workshops en plein air in acrylic, soft pastel & oil.
Pine Mountain, GA : Acadia, ME : Raleigh, NC : Giverny, France
Winner Studios Workshops
Workshops that that include portrait, oil, pastel & alla prima painting; art business.
Pasadena, CA : Atlanta, GA : Raleigh, Wilmington & Boone, NC : Santa Fe, NM : Burlington, VT : Italy
Showing 1-8