Golf Academy at Chelsea Piers
Program Description
Adult: video analysis, basic techniques, swing correction. Jr: AM & PM instruction, video analysis, games/competitions. Wkly session at 9-hole course.
20+ adult, 12+ jr
Program Length
1-2 days adult, 1 or 2 wks jr
Group Size or S:T Ratio
Program Focus
Adult, Junior
12 instructors including PGA Teaching Professionals Tom Sutter, Alan Clack, Bryan Fitzpatrick, Bill Osetek, Tim Townsend.
Adult: $195/1 day, $350/2 days. Jr: $395-$490/1 wk, $920/2 wks.
U.S. Locations
New York, New York
Year round
Golf Academy at Chelsea Piers
23rd St. & the Hudson River, Ste. 300
New York, NY 10011
United States
Phone: 212-336-6846
Fax: 212-336-6720
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